I cleared my docket of most appointments that would require me to drive, but I had to keep an interview with a city council member for a story I am working on for the Toledo Free Press. The roads were lousy, but I lucked out and found a metered space right across the street from One Government Center.
And yes: I put money in the meter. No sense taking a chance on a parking ticket to save 50 cents.
I returned home to find that my earlier efforts to keep the driveway clear had been obliterated by another two inches of snow. I spent the next 90 minutes re-shoveling my driveway, then that of an elderly neighbor, and then re-shoveling my re-shoveling, but eventually I decided that this was enough physical exertion for one day. Heck, that time could have been better spent on something more substantial, like working on a BPI certification.
I suppose I am fortunate that all of this activity occurred on the one day per week I set aside as an "off" day, though I would rather have used the day catching up on the half-dozen minor projects that have been lingering. Still, some day I would like to have a real snow day, one in which I sit around and enjoy the silence and the beauty of a heavy snowstorm.