While driving southbound on I-75 today on my way to my office hours at Bowling Green State University, I came upon a driver in the left lane whose behavior could best be described as "erratic." The female driver was weaving a bit in the lane and driving at varied speeds.
70... weave... 55... weave... 70... that sort of thing.
I finally got annoyed enough to pass her on the right side, making sure to provide a wide berth to avoid being on the receiving end of one of her swerves. As I passed I noticed that the driver's head was down and she was committing the act of texting while driving. One wonders what could possibly be so important to cause a driver to text while driving; I suspect it was some personal drama involving a significant other, but there would be irony if the driver was checking out free insurance quotes on her cell phone.
I will save the pontificating about the dangers of this activity for another post, but I happened to catch a view of the vehicle in my rear view mirror as we approached a curve in the highway past the Luckey-Haskins exit. The driver did not notice that the road was curving, and she hit the gravel shoulder at about 65 mph.
Lurch left. lurch right, skid left, skid right.
I thought I was about to watch this smaller SUV go into an out-of-control roll, but the driver managed to get her vehicle straightened out at the last second. This could have been luck, skill, or divine intervention, but somehow a potentially fatal accident was avoided.
So to you texting drivers out there: take note. This was a near miss, and I am documenting the event with the hope that just one texting driver wakes up. For the rest of us: keep your eyes open and assume the worst in every driver you encounter, as defensive paranoia while driving is still the best way to avoid accidents.