I came across an interesting sight on southbound Interstate 75 near Monroe, MI. Pictured on your left is a box truck towing a
stock car, and emblazoned on the rear spoiler of the racing machine are the words "JESUS SAVES." In the cab of the truck were two men who probably can best be described as "good old boys," a pair of baseball cap wearing, sleeveless T-shirt types drinking Mountain Dew on a hot spring afternoon likely en route to a weekend race at the
Toledo Speedway, which was hosting the Valvoline Summer Racing Series until the storms cancelled the event.
Now, it is not the fact that these motor sport enthusiasts chose to express their religious beliefs on their vehicle that amused me. Instead, it is the plethora of safety gear on the stock car that seems to be the hedging of a bet: if indeed a driver can count on the saving grace of Jesus, why bother retrofitting the vehicle to prevent accident-based injuries?
Just askin'.