The disturbing aspect of this vandalism is the seemingly random nature of the idiocy, as the houses were spread out over a three-block area. The driver of the vehicle chose an opportune moment to strike, given the fact that four of the past five days have featured heavy rains.
Unfortunately for the homeowners, there will be some significant labor involved in repairing the damage. It also disturbs me that my once-quiet middle class neighborhood increasingly endures this type of senseless stupidity, as idiotic as a person using up all the color printing cartridges to print test images.
Were this a single house I might write off the lawn vandalism as a single act by a drunken driver, but it is clear that the driver of the car went out of his way to target all these houses (I am assuming that this was teenagers on a bender of destruction). I also felt sad for the elderly woman at one of the houses who I see tending her gardens and lawn, as she has quite a bit of work (or expense) ahead of her.
Karma, as they say, is something of a fickle vixen, and I trust that the vandalism meted out by the idiots comes back threefold.