Today was more fortuitous, and there were at least four goldfinches flitting around as I cut the grass and planted more seeds. I lucked out after sending the dogs inside, and I wound up with a dozen or more eye-catching images.
Northwest Ohio is in an area where the American goldfinch is supposed to be a permanent resident, but I never see them in the winter. I suspect they migrate either to open fields or wooded areas in search of food supplies, and some may migrate to southern Ohio in their pursuit of sustenance.
I typically see goldfinches en masse when my sunflowers bloom, and they piggishly feast on the sunflower heads in August. I am not sure if the early arrival of the goldfinches is due to our unusually warm spring, or if they have become habituated to the thistle seed I provide. They certainly have little use for a weight loss diet, given their active lifestyles and the heavy competition for bird feeders.
Either way, their cheerful melodies are a welcome addition to the collection of tunes that the other songbirds provide around here.