
Sunset at 6:45 pm - Spring Must Be Getting Close

The sunsets the last few evenings have been quite eye-catching, and it dawned on me (pun intended) that the sun is starting to set at a significantly later time the last week or two. This should not be surprising given the fact that the vernal equinox is scheduled to arrive on March 20 at 1:32 PM EDT, but I remain a bit caught off guard at the rapidity with which winter seems to be disappearing.

Not disappointed, mind you, just surprised.

I have been noticing the gradual receding of the 25 inches of snow that fell in Northwest Ohio during the month of February. On my daily walks around the neighborhood I have been hearing an increasing number of songbirds, and a number of trees are sprouting leaf buds - both sure signs that winter's days are dwindling to a handful.

I suspect that snowflakes will yet accumulate before winter officially ends, but their presence will no doubt be fleeting as average temperatures continue to rise. Even as I write this short post at 7:00 pm, my exterior temperature gauge is still at 49.4 degrees Fahrenheit, and the temperature outside my house today broke the 57 degree mark.

Welcome, spring.