
Unhappy Danielle Steel Reader

(Montreal, QC) While walking through Vieux-Montréal this morning, I spotted a copy of the 2008 Danielle Steel novel A Good Woman on the edge of a municipal trash can. Now, no offense to the readers of Danielle Steel's literary endeavors, but the placement of the novel in a trash can makes something of critical statement.

Yet closer inspection of the scene provided an additional of humor: the previous owner of the discarded novel crossed out the word "Good" in the title and replaced it with a hand-scrawled "DIRTY." Apparently the rather risque rhetorical stylings of Danielle Steel did not sit well with the reader.

I remember as a kid hearing that some Danielle Steel novel was "racy," and I of course surreptitiously sequestered a copy up to my bedroom. Unfortunately, my grandmother's definition of "racy" was a far cry from the steamy sex scenes I thought I was going to read.

However, the reader of A Good DIRTY Woman evidently thought Steel's fairly tame representations of human sexuality were too much for delicate eyes, and the book remains perched on the edge of oblivion as I type this short post.